Big Ideas & Books & Brands

You can transform your best ideas for a better world into a business, brand, book, podcast, and platform. This collection introduces you to ways to face and finesse – instead of fight or flee from – the inevitable challenges to do so.

State Of Wonder Annual Dispatch

Since 2005 – when wonder seemed endangered – I have kept my eye and ear on writers, designers, musicians and artists, and I also have turned an eye and ear toward entrepreneurs, educators, and CEOs. And in so doing eventually founded Tracking Wonder Consulting & Programs to assure…

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What is Your State of Wonder in 2013?

In 2005, where was wonder, this emotional state at the core of creativity, story, innovation, and wisdom? Newly divorced and fresh off a book tour, I hovered that year in a precarious in-between state. So what did I do? I started…

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Experience Architects Engage with Love & Wonder

Memorable enterprises and blogs endure the way memorable art and stories endure. Mind-changing businesses create experiences for their customers the way mind-changing authors and artists design experiences for their audiences. Those experiences are sent with love and infused with wonder….

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How Awe Expands Our Perception of Time

Time & wonder are partners at this blog and in our Outpost Shoppe. In fact, the Mind Rooms Guide came out of my own experience coupled with my research into time, creative minds, and wonder. As the video below explains, a…

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Myths & Truths About Writing Talent

Three things about creative or writing talent: Talent is not all you need to succeed or feel gratified in your field. Talent often is dormant. You can cultivate and bring it out. If you don’t have talent, you can make…
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Each week I offer tools and perspective to help you stay open to what’s possible, question how we could work better, and reclaim a life of meaning and possibility.