Big Ideas & Books & Brands

You can transform your best ideas for a better world into a business, brand, book, podcast, and platform. This collection introduces you to ways to face and finesse – instead of fight or flee from – the inevitable challenges to do so.

Creative Mind Breaks for Productive Loafing

Neruda doing what he does well. Note: As I hang low in high summer (working a little more behind-the-scenes), I’m printing and re-printing pieces this month in The Art of Productive Loafing series. Here’s an archived…

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How the Talent of Productive Loafing Aids Creativity

Note: High summer seems an ideal time to hang low, retreat from the bright spotlight, and practice the art of Productive Loafing. Productive Loafing is the intentional act of retreating from “doing” and from public engagement. It can come in many…

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The Accomplished Creative’s Afflictions

Gulfman1 (Flickr Creative Commons) When many people come to me, they arrive having tasted accomplishment already. They’re motivated by wit, persistence, and a hunger to learn – the kind of people I thrive running with. PhDs,…

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Artists Make What Businesses Want

1. Artists Do Not Make Art Here’s a paradox I witness every week: On one hand, artists and authors feel that business is alien to them, and on the other hand, business people feel that making meaningful art is alien…

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The Truth About Having Time to Create

Why don’t we create as much as we want? What’s the one thing that keeps most Americans from being able to create? If you look at the results from the research firm StrategyOne, you will get one part of the story….

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Each week I offer tools and perspective to help you stay open to what’s possible, question how we could work better, and reclaim a life of meaning and possibility.