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Four Truths of a Brand Story

Four Truths of a Brand Story

People get confused about brands and branding. Some people think branding means pretty or sassy logos. Some people think branding means smarmy marketing. I have a different take. From my years of research, working with clients, and shaping Tracking Wonder’s own brand story, four truths have become evident. 1. Story bonds us. “After nourishment, shelter and…

The endless quest to remember who you are
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The endless quest to remember who you are

“Know thyself.” It’s a high classic Greek ideal. It’s also impossible. It’s impossible if that adage means that we should know completely, consciously who we are and how we think and what we feel and what our motives are at any given time. Consider these questions: Why do you act the way you do? Why…

Who Do You Take Your Biz Story-telling Cues From?
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Who Do You Take Your Biz Story-telling Cues From?

Let’s assume that one thing you do for your business is you tell stories about your business. You or someone on your team tell stories about how your business originated and why, why it matters to your customers, and why it matters in the early-21st century. You tell stories about your customers and other related…

Branding Accelerates Personal Expansion

Branding Accelerates Personal Expansion

You know something about your business and brand has to change. And maybe that something is you – how you regard branding, how you see yourself, how you hold back your business’s best potential. Make you squirm? You can attend a meditation retreat and get clarity on how jumbled your mind is. You can travel…

How Your Brand Story is Your Business Axis

How Your Brand Story is Your Business Axis

If your business or brand grows quickly, your content and offers can start to sprawl like Dallas or LA suburbs. If you’ve been a creative juggler for years, you eventually can get distracted, fatigued, and confused about where to focus your finite energy, talent, and effort. Whether sprawling or juggling, I’ve found it helps to…


Thoreau & Why You Should (or not) Care About Branding

When the World of Buzz grows loud with exclamations telling you to try out the latest marketing gizmo (Periscope, anyone?) so you can get big and famous, I take a MindWanderness Break in my WEN Pond canoe. I wanted a way to bring you with me. So, come along. Let’s get perspective on: the brand you…