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Warning: You Cannot Plug in Your Potential
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Warning: You Cannot Plug in Your Potential

Every writer has dormant potential to be realized. Potential is not static, and pre-programmed It’s not an, “Either you have writing potential or you don’t” proposition.

Your potential is like dynamic water.

When harnessed, your potential rises and rushes forward in full power.

And it serves entities far greater than your little self.

You have a book running through you. If you can find the methods, habits, and support to harness it, you can step out of the Amateur Bubble and step into the Apprentice-Artist Arena and ultimately flourish in the Artist-Maestro Stadium.

Anyone can do this.

Myths About Writing Talent vs. The Writer’s Inner Game
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Myths About Writing Talent vs. The Writer’s Inner Game

Myth #1: Successful, gratified writers mostly have talent. Myth #2: Marketing & platform-building are the most important qualities for any writer to have a long-term career these days. A few years ago, a question troubled me. Among the many creatives and professionals, especially writers or aspiring writers, I noticed that some writers prevailed over the…

Does Your Manifesto have integrity?
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Does Your Manifesto have integrity?

Don’t Just Ship It In the past 8 or so years, corporate manifestos, entrepreneur manifestos, and creative entrepreneur manifestos have popped up in many places. Some of them seem true. Many feel derivative. Manifestos are provocative mission statements (1). Numerous Internet personalities and business coaches tell “thinkerly” creatives to “Just Ship It” when it comes to…

Books That Matter to Michael Bungay Stanier

Books That Matter to Michael Bungay Stanier

  Books change our world views and spark revolutions, inside and out. [Tweet this] Books awaken what’s dozing. Books crack open our hearts and our lens of possibility. Books matter. Today marks our first feature for the second annual Books That Matter series. Books That Matter showcases influential wonder-trackers’ relationships with books that matter to them. Last year’s 8-week series was…

17 More-Than-Manifesto Reminders to Help You Live the Quest

17 More-Than-Manifesto Reminders to Help You Live the Quest

Certain tenets ink my brain like lines from a resonant poem or song. They define who I am and keep me centered when I feel like I’m veering off-track. These tenets arise from lived heart expansion and heart explosion, from daft pursuits of burning yearnings and from the pain of feeling & making sense of…

To Write: A Song of Bones – A Sunday Essay

To Write: A Song of Bones – A Sunday Essay

I have had no real understanding of what bones were or which bones were which. That bone song about this bone being connected to that bone never stuck. Now I wish I could examine these cow bones and name them for you, but what’s in a name, anyway.

Name or no name, these ivory sticks play a pivotal place in the role of being a writer to me, and that – the song of bones – is what I want to drum.