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The Story Learning Gap for Authors & Business Artists
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The Story Learning Gap for Authors & Business Artists

There’s no reliable place where entrepreneurs and business artists can gather to learn how to bring their trade nonfiction book’s story from the stage to the page.

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Buzzing stories versus your Brave Story

And I wrote every day. Because I had to. Because it burned in me. Because we just don’t have much time. Because the Waiting Room is not a place to live. Because the Waiting Room is a place where something true and brave in us can die.

Books That Matter to Susan Piver
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Books That Matter to Susan Piver

It’s not easy living in questions. We’re wired to favor facts and certitude. If you’ve stoked your creative wits at all in the past ten, twenty, thirty years, you know though that living comfortably with uncertainty is where we find depth and meaning that gives rise to our best creations. Those best creations might be…

Why business artists & creatives need to climb trees instead of ladders

Why business artists & creatives need to climb trees instead of ladders

My unstoppable productivity can exhaust the best parts of my mind. My “optimized” studio – with standing desk and white board walls and the best digital equipment and the best books at my disposal – sometimes cheers on Captain Productivity a bit too enthusiastically. To snap the Captain out of his usual modus operandis, I…

Warning: You Cannot Plug in Your Potential
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Warning: You Cannot Plug in Your Potential

Every writer has dormant potential to be realized. Potential is not static, and pre-programmed It’s not an, “Either you have writing potential or you don’t” proposition.

Your potential is like dynamic water.

When harnessed, your potential rises and rushes forward in full power.

And it serves entities far greater than your little self.

You have a book running through you. If you can find the methods, habits, and support to harness it, you can step out of the Amateur Bubble and step into the Apprentice-Artist Arena and ultimately flourish in the Artist-Maestro Stadium.

Anyone can do this.

Myths About Writing Talent vs. The Writer’s Inner Game
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Myths About Writing Talent vs. The Writer’s Inner Game

Myth #1: Successful, gratified writers mostly have talent. Myth #2: Marketing & platform-building are the most important qualities for any writer to have a long-term career these days. A few years ago, a question troubled me. Among the many creatives and professionals, especially writers or aspiring writers, I noticed that some writers prevailed over the…

How Seth Godin’s Book The Icarus Deception Works
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How Seth Godin’s Book The Icarus Deception Works

  There are thought leaders, and there are Thought Leaders.(1) And Seth Godin is the latter. Why? Godin is a Thought Leader not only because he’s smart. It’s not only because he’s prolific and creative. Godin is an archetypal Thought Leader because he understands the nature of Thought itself. He gets what drives human beings. He understands…